Home News & Events News Debra Febril Call Ceremony
On July 29, 2024 a Call Ceremony took place in the Legislative Chamber during the July 2024 Wilp Si’ayuuḵhl Nisg̱a’a (WSN) Sitting.
The Law Society of British Columbia called Debra Febril to the bar on Nisg̱a’a Lands. Dignitaries included: The Honourable Madam Justice Ardith Walkem, Jeevyn Dhaliwal Kings Counsel, President of The Law Society of British Columbia, Don Avison, Kings Counsel, Chief Executive Officer of the Law Society of British Columbia, and Vicki George, Senior Advisor Indigenous Engagement for the Law Society of British Columbia and to address Wilp Si’ayuuḵhl Nisg̱a’a.
Debras academic journey includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Kamloops in 2011. English major with a specialization in rhetoric and professional writing. Completed a juris doctorate of law in 2014, at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops.
For any Nisga’a students wanting to pursue a career in law I would recommend this pre law program; https://indigenouslaw.usask.ca/ it help set Debra’s expectations and also grounded her in her identity as an indigenous woman before entering the profession.
Is there anyone, any mentors you would like to thank?
“I would not be where I am today without meeting some amazing people whose shoulders I stand on. The people who walked this path before me and blazed the trails. The late and highly respected criminal defence lawyer Don Campbell taught me everything he wished he had been taught when he started! He was a man with so much knowledge and passion for people!”
“My first mentors and Friend Christina cook thank you so much for taking me under your wing and creating a safe space to be me from 1st year law school until today!!”
“My second mentor chief justice Len Marchand I hear is tuned in on zoom. Thank you Len for the time and words of wisdom and encouragement.”
“My articling principles Stephanie Lysyk, amber prince, Laura Track and Aleem Bharmal.”
Can you provide words of encouragement to woman of the Nisga’a Nation?
“Even if you get to the point where you feel like you can’t keep going and you want to stop…don’t…pick up and keep going forward dont let anyone or anything stop you…we need you! There will be a day you don’t have to try and balance it all or choose one thing over another.
Can you provide words of encouragement to future law students of the Nisga’a Nation?
“Find mentors who have been through the experience! If you can’t find anyone then reach out to me it would be an honour to help support any student pursuing education!”
Debra is also a ‘Full-Time Tribunal Member’ of the Civil Resolution Tribunal. Link for reference:https://civilresolutionbc.ca/about-the-crt/staff-and-members/
Si’aamhl wilin and Congratulations to our very own Ksim Nisga’a Lawyer Debra!
(Photo Credit to Pro Rez Studios – Andrew Stewart)
K’alii-Aksim-Lisims, the Nass River, flows through a land of sacred mountains and dense forests on Canada’s Pacific Coast. The Nisg̱a’a people have lived in the Nass River Valley since before recorded time.
The Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement, British Columbia’s first modern treaty, recognizes Nisg̱a’a Lands and Nisg̱a’a Government. An example of hope, trust, and cooperation, the Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement is being studied by governments and Indigenous people the world over.
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