Meeting Notice: NLG Executive Meeting – January 27th & 28th, 2025
The Executive meeting will go into in-camera on January 28th at 3PM; therefore, no public access for this sessions.
Lawrence Adams /Jolene Sampare Son of Julia & the late Lawrence Adams Daughter of Selina Sampare Ganada/Giska’ast Wilps Ksim Xsaan/Wilps Wisin Xb’iltkw Laxgalts’ap Community Centre
Terrance Febril/ Dora McNeil Daughter of Mr & Mrs James McNeil Son of the Late Terrance Febril & Myra Boomhour Ksim Ganada /Laxsgiik Wilps Bayt N’eekhl gans/ Ni’isjoohl Laxgalts’ap
Host : Wilps Hlgu Aam Gat Location: Kitselas Community Centre
For The Late: Hubert Haldane Fred Moore Beverly S Stevens Laxsgiik Wilps Laa’y Laxgalts’ap, BC (Revised)
Travis Peal/Jenn Cabecinha Son of Teresa & Don Spalding & Richard Azak Daughter of Frank and Ann Cabecinha Laxsgiik /Ganada Wilps Gitxhoon / Wilps Luux hoon Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC (postponed 2025- date TBD)
Are you interested in learning the power of negotiation? Apply today for our summer end program. This includes an honorarium, unique opportunities, travel, training, and you can make a difference! Contact Erin Moore for more details -
Susan Azak/ Matthew Wesley Daughter of (the Late) Jerry & Audrey Azak Son of Deborah & Alan Azak Ganada /Laxsgiik Wilps Axdii Wil Luugooda/ Wilps Hleek Gans Naaws Gitwinksihlkw /Gitlaxt’aamiks BC
For the late: Teddy Venn Matthew Venn Ganada Wilps Haym’aas Gingolx,BC
For the late James (Jimmy) Stewart Flora Barton Giska’ast Wilps K’amksiiwaa Gingolx, BC
For the late: Sadie Parnell O’Donaghey Benjamin Wade Gosnell Ganada Wilps Axdii Wil Luugooda/Ksim Xsaan Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC
Tony Gosnell/Sabrina Stephens Son of Frank Gosnell and Kate Mercer Daughter of Mayne & Glenna Stephens Laxgibuu/Ksim Ganada Wilps Duuk/Wilps Haym’aas Laxgalts’ap
For the late: Sarah W. Wesley Arnold R. Azak Bruce Squires Giska’ast Wilps Daaxan Gitwinksihlkw, BC (Updated name added location changed)
Do you have an event you would like to add to the calendar? Please share your event details via this form.