Meeting Notice: NLG Executive Meeting – January 27th & 28th, 2025
The Executive meeting will go into in-camera on January 28th at 3PM; therefore, no public access for this sessions.
For the late: Teddy Venn Matthew Venn Ganada Wilps Haym’aas Gingolx,BC
For the late James (Jimmy) Stewart Flora Barton Giska’ast Wilps K’amksiiwaa Gingolx, BC
For the late: Sadie Parnell O’Donaghey Benjamin Wade Gosnell Ganada Wilps Axdii Wil Luugooda/Ksim Xsaan Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC
Tony Gosnell/Sabrina Stephens Son of Frank Gosnell and Kate Mercer Daughter of Mayne & Glenna Stephens Laxgibuu/Ksim Ganada Wilps Duuk/Wilps Haym’aas Laxgalts’ap
For the late: Sarah W. Wesley Arnold R. Azak Bruce Squires Giska’ast Wilps Daaxan Gitwinksihlkw, BC (Updated name added location changed)
George Robinson/ Ruth Robinson Wilps Galga / Wilps Ksim Xsaan Laxgibuu / Ksim Ganada New Aiyansh, BC (revised date)
Clint Adams & Carmen Adams Ganada /Laxsgiik Laadax(Gitsegukla)/Kwa’ka ans Puerta Vallarta, Mexico
Meeting Zoom link: PDF: NLG Executive Meeting Notice - October 23 2024
Public registration link is:
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