An Independent Office of Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government
4723 Gosnell Crescent
New Aiyansh, BC V0J 1A0 PO Box 228
Telephone: 250-633-2715
Toll Free: 1-866-633-2715 Fax: 250-633-2719 Email: jean.clayton@nisgaaelections.ca
Notice of Regular 2024 ElectionNotice in Accordance with Nisg̱a’a Law
In accordance with the Nisg̱a’a Elections Act, the general voting day for the next regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government will be
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
The following elected offices will be filled in this regular election:
- President
- Chairperson
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Chairperson of the Council of Elders
- Chief Councillor for the Nisg̱a’a Village Governments of:
- Gitlax̱t’aamiks
- Ging̱olx
- Laxg̱alts’ap
- Gitwinksihlkw
- Village Councillors for the Nisg̱a’a Village Governments of
- Gitlaxt’aamiks – 7 (seven) to be elected
- Ging̱olx – 5 (five) to be elected
- Lax̱g̱alts’ap – 6 (six) to be elected
- Gitwinksilkw – 4 (four) to be elected
- Nisg̱a’a Urban Local Representative for the
- Greater Vancouver Urban Local – 2 (two) to be elected
- Terrace Urban Local – 2 (two) to be elected
- Prince Rupert/Port Edward Urban Local – 2 (two) to be elected.
Nisg̱a’a citizens who are 18 years of age or older on November 6, 2024 are eligible to vote in the above election. Please ensure that your voter information is current.
Voting places for this regular election will be established in each Nisg̱a’a Village and each Nisg̱a’a Urban Local referred to above. Voters who reside in a Nisg̱a’a Village or a Nisg̱a’a Urban Local Area and who are interested in voting by mail must request a mail in ballot by no later than October 7, 2024. Further information will be provided in September 2024. For more information contact: Jean Clayton, Nisg̱a’a Elections Officer250-633-2715
Dated: August 7, 2024
Notice of Nomination Period
For the November 6, 2024
Regular Election of Nisg̱a’a Government
Take note that the nomination period for the 2024 regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government:
- Begins at 9:00 AM on September 11, 2024
- Closes at 6:00 PM on September 25, 2024
During the nomination period, nominations may be made and filed with the Nisg̱a’a Elections Officer for each of the following elected offices:
- President
- Chairperson
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Chairperson of the Council of Elders
- Chief Councilor for the Nisg̱a’a Village Governments of:
- Gitlaxt’aamiks
- Ging̱olx
- Laxg̱alts’ap
- Gitwinksihlkw
- Village Councillors for the Nisg̱a’a Village Governments of:
- Gitlaxt’aamiks – 7 (seven) to be elected
- Ging̱olx – 5 (five) to be elected
- Laxg̱alts’ap – 6 (six) to be elected
- Gitwinksihlkw – 4 (four) to be elected
- Nisg̱a’a Urban Local Representative for the:
- Greater Vancouver Urban Local – 2 (two) to be elected
- Terrace Urban Local – 2 (two) to be elected
- Prince Rupert/Port Edward Urban Local – 2 (two) to be elected
Nomination packages will be available at:
Nisg̱a’a Elections Office 4723 Gosnell Crescent, PO Box 223 New Aiyansh, BC V0J 1A0
Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government Office 2000 Lisims Drive New Aiyansh, BC
Gitwinksihlkw Village Government Office 3000 Zaul Zap Gitwinksihlkw, BC
Gitlaxt’aamiks Village Government Office 5200 Skateen Avenue New Aiyansh, BC
Laxg̱alts’ap Village Government Office 416 North Road Lax̱g̱alts’ap BC
Ging̱olx Village Government Office 607 Front Street Ging̱olx BC
Prince Rupert/Port Edward Urban Local Office (Gitmaxmak’ay Nisg̱a’a Society) 301 – 860 3rd Avenue West Prince Rupert BC
Greater Vancouver Urban Local Office (Nisg̱a’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Society) 100 – 525 West 10th Avenue Vancouver BC
Terrace Urban Local Office (Gitlaxdax Nisg̱a’a Terrace Society) 101 – 4441 Lakelse Avenue Terrace BC
Email: jean.clayton@nisgaaelections.ca Phone: 1-250-633-2715
- A Nisg̱a’a citizen listed on the Nisg̱a’a Voters List as ordinarily residing in a Nisg̱a’a Village may nominate or second the nomination of a person for the elected offices noted above for that Nisg̱a’a Village Government.
- A Nisg̱a’a citizen listed on the Nisg̱a’a Voters List as ordinarily residing in a Nisg̱a’a Urban Local Area may nominate or second the nomination of a person for the elected office of Nisg̱a’a Urban Local Representative for that Nisg̱a’a Urban Local.
- A Nisg̱a’a citizen listed on the Nisg̱a’a Voters List may nominate or second the nomination of a person for the elected offices of President, Chairperson, Secretary-Treasurer, and Chairperson of the Council of Elders.
- Nominees for all elected offices must be Nisg̱a’a citizens at least 18 years of age and not disqualified under section 15(2) of the Nisg̱a’a Elections Act.
- Nominees for Chief Councillor or Village Councillor of a Nisg̱a’a Village Government must ordinarily reside in the applicable Nisg̱a’a Village.
- Nominees for a Nisg̱a’a Urban Local Representative must ordinarily reside in the applicable Nisg̱a’a Urban Local Area.
- Nominees for the offices of President, Chairperson, Secretary-Treasurer, and Chairperson of the Council of Elders must reside within Nisg̱a’a Lands or provide proof of a plan to relocate to Nisg̱a’a Lands should they be elected.
Completed nomination packages can be hand delivered, sent via email, or fax (with originals to follow in the mail) to the Nisg̱a’a Elections office before 5:00 PM on September 25, 2024.
Please ensure that your nomination package contains all of the following:
- the nomination and acceptance forms
- a current criminal record check
- payment of the nomination deposit of $100.00 cash, money order, or a certified cheque payable to the Nisg̱a’a Nation
- Written certification from the Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government Chief Financial Officer that the name of the person nominated was not included on the register of prescribed debts as of the date of nomination
For more information please contact:
Jean Clayton, Nisg̱a’a Elections Officer
Notice of CandidatesNotice in Accordance with Nisg̱a’a Law NOTICE OF CANDIDATES
The candidates for the office of the PRESIDENT in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Clayton, Eva
McKay, Corinne J.
Moore, Matthew H.
Small, Sherry E.
The candidates for the office of the CHAIRPERSON in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Azak, Arthur R
Febril, Debra F.
Tait, Brian M.
The candidates for the office of the SECRETARY-TREASURER in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Doolan, Melanie D.
Morven, Charles M.
The candidates for the office of the CHAIRPERSON OF THE COUNCIL OF ELDERS in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Azak, Alvin J.
Thomas, Mercy
The candidate for the office of the CHIEF COUNCILLOR FOR THE NISG̱A’A VILLAGE GOVERNMENT OF GITLAX̱T’AAMIKS in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Morven, Calvin
The candidates for the office of the COUNCILLOR FOR THE NISG̱A’A VILLAGE GOVERNMENT OF GITLAX̱T’AAMIKS (seven to be elected) in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Bright, Steven V.
Clayton, Eric C.
Eli, Denise R.
Guno, Leonard J.
Guno, Noah R
Mercer, Bertram P.
Nisyok, Quinton A.
Scott, Taron D.
Woods, Melanie R.
Wright, Edmond I.
The candidates for the office of the CHIEF COUNCILLOR FOR THE NISG̱A’A VILLAGE GOVERNMENT OF GITWINKSIHLKW in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Azak, Kimberly J.
Lambright, Peter R.
Moore, Elaine S.
The candidates for the office of the COUNCILLOR FOR THE NISG̱A’A VILLAGE GOVERNMENT OF GITWINKSILKW (four to be elected) in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Azak, William Clyde
Haldane, Bruce J.
Johansen, Sheena D.
Nyce, Andrew J.
Nyce, Arthur R.
Nyce, Chester E.
Nyce, Isiah T.
The candidates for the office of the CHIEF COUNCILLOR FOR THE NISG̱A’A VILLAGE GOVERNMENT OF LAX̱G̱ALTS’AP in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Leeson, Donald V.
Martin, Sheldon J
The candidates for the office of the COUNCILLOR FOR THE NISG̱A’A VILLAGE GOVERNMENT OF LAX̱G̱ALTS’AP (six to be elected) in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Bright, Matthew W.
Bright, Ralph E.
Clark, Wallace
Davis, Rod I.
Gosnell, Sheila E.
Leeson, Peter A.
McKay, Allan M.
McKay, Fred
McKay, Jacob P.
McKay, Kevin
Morrison, Billy
Palmer, Teniel R.
Stevens, Sharon
Wright, Pamela M.
The candidates for the office of the CHIEF COUNCILLOR FOR THE NISG̱A’A VILLAGE GOVERNMENT OF GING̱OLX in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Alexcee, Charles F.
Alexcee, George
Stanley, Racheal Z.
The candidates for the office of the COUNCILLOR FOR THE NISG̱A’A VILLAGE GOVERNMENT OF GING̱OLX (five to be elected) in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Barton, Claude
Barton, Venita
Lincoln, Arlene V.
Lincoln, Charlie Max
Moore, John F.
Nelson, Gwen L.
Stanley, Chris
Stewart, Darnell Sr.
Stewart, John A.
Watts, Mary-Lee E.
The candidates for the office of the NISG̱A’A URBAN LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE PRINCE RUPERT/PORT EDWARD LOCAL (two to be elected) in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Campbell, Yvonne
Morgan, Cliff
Stewart, Farley
The candidates for the office of the NISG̱A’A URBAN LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE TERRACE LOCAL (two to be elected) in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Azak, Keith C.
Griffin, David T. Jr.
Morgan, Kari L.
The candidate for the office of the NISG̱A’A URBAN LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE VANCOUVER LOCAL (two to be elected) in the regular election of Nisg̱a’a Government scheduled for November 6, 2024 are:
Burrell, Andrea
POSTED: September 28, 2024
Jean Clayton
Nisg̱a’a Elections Officer
Election by Acclaimation: Calvin H. Morven Calvin H Morven – Acclamation Election by Acclamation: Andrea E. Burrell Andrea E Burrell – Acclamation