Home Government Nisg̱a’a Treaty Milestones

Since we assumed control over the governance of ourselves and our lands, we have achieved numerous accomplishments toward improving the quality of life of our people. These include the following.
- Village roads improved.
- Highway connection to Gingolx.
- Fishery Bay — we’ve been given direction not to provide easy access into Fishery Bay. Nisg̱a’a Fisheries Committee is the Committee to look at possible improvement.
- Economic development – this was developed early into the Treaty which eventually led to the Business Development Fund Act to provide the Nation with opportunities in economic development.
- Economic development funding to the Village Governments and Urban Locals.
- Training dollars to the Village Governments and Urban Locals.
- Tax rebate which is shared amongst the Village Governments.
- Nisg̱a’a Youth Councils have been developed and funded by NLG.
- Community Preventative Program fund was created on savings from Nisg̱a’a Child & Family Services. This money can fade away as NCFS moves forward.
- Management Information System funding is provided to each Village Government.
- enTel — bringing high-speed Internet connectivity to the Nass and beyond.
- Urban home program — renovation grant and new home purchase grant.
- Sports & Recreation — $100,000 in our budget for Sports and Recreation. We will most likely revisit this in our final budget exercise.
- Nisg̱a’a Elections, whether it be general or by-elections, we no longer need to go to Canada/BC to have our elections. Citizens can go to the NADRB if there are complaints about our elections. During one election one whole Village Government was removed, the Executive had to address this and a joint decision was made to appoint individuals to oversee the operations of the Village.
- Code of conduct for elected people.
- Nisg̱a’a Foundation — The Nisg̱a’a Foundation was established by NLG. We will move forward to establish a Board of Directors to oversee the Foundation and to secure funding.
- Establishment of the Nisg̱a’a Commercial Opportunity Fund — Contributions to this Fund include Canada $5.5 million, BC $5.5 million, for a total of $11 million.
- Shortly after effective date, the Nisg̱a’a Nation authorized an allocation of $3 million to assist with the fishery fund. That fund is now well over $13 million.