Gitlax̱dax Nisg̱a’a Terrace Society
Home Government Nisg̱a’a Societies Gitlax̱dax Nisg̱a’a Terrace Society
The Terrace Nisg̱a’a Urban Local area is recognized under the Nisg̱a’a Constitution for the purpose of providing political representation for Nisg̱a’a citizens living in Terrace to NLG through the election of two Nisg̱a’a Urban Local representatives.
The delivery of programs and services to Nisg̱a’a citizens in the Terrace Urban Local Area is provided through Gitlax̱dax Nisg̱a’a Terrace Society.
101-4441 Lakelse Avenue
Terrace, British Columbia
Canada V8G 1P1
Tel: 250-635-8050
Fax: 250 635-5257
Urban Local Representatives:
Keith Azak, Terrace Urban Executive Representative