Vancouver Nisg̱a’a Urban Local
Home Government Nisg̱a’a Societies Vancouver Nisg̱a’a Urban Local
The Vancouver Nisg̱a’a Urban Local is recognized under the Nisg̱a’a Constitution for the purpose of providing political representation for Nisg̱a’a citizens living in Vancouver to NLG through the election of two Nisg̱a’a Urban Local representatives.
The Vancouver Txamiks Society, a corporate entity under provincial law, was established for the administration of funds for services to be provided to the Nisg̱a’a citizens in Vancouver.
Vancouver Txamiks Society
3973 Dumfries Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V5N 5RK
Tel: 604 646 4944
Fax: 604 646 4955
Urban Local Representatives:
Andrea Burrell, Executive Representative
Vacant, WSN Urban Representative