Jobseeker Services
Home Opportunities Nisg̱a’a Employment, Skills & Training Jobseeker Services

NEST is here to help you prepare, plan, and train for employment success.
To receive NEST services, fill out the application form and email it to the employment advisor in your area:
Nass Valley –
Terrace and Kitimat, Prince Rupert, Port Edward –
You’ve got an idea of where you want to work or what you want to do; or perhaps you don’t know what job would best suit your abilities. NEST can work with you to start creating a personal success plan that will guide you to your employment and personal success goals.
This success plan will help you identify the training and abilities you need, the lifestyle you require and what you need to do to achieve your goals.
Starting with you job interests, or what job might suit your abilities, NEST will work with you to obtain the training, experience, and skills you’ll require. Committing to your success plan will help you achieve your goals.
Call 250-633-2210 to begin preparing your personal success plan.
Presenting your skills and talking about your abilities can be difficult, especially when we’re raised by our families to be respectful and humble.
You’ve got the training, experience, you know you’re the right person for an advertised opportunity, and but resume will be a key factor in getting hired.
If you would like assistance with your resume, call NEST to book an appointment, or click on some helpful links below.
The idea of going to an interview can be a scary; nerves can overcome us because we really want that job. Preparing for an interview will give you confidence, clarity, and help you stand out from other candidates.
We’ve collected practical tips about how to prepare for a job interview that you can use in addition to your interview strategy, including: appropriate dress, body language, research of the company and position you are applying for, behavior in the interview and grooming your social media or professional history online presence.
Call 250- 633 2210 to find out how we can help you prepare for your next interview.
Getting a great job is just the beginning of your personal success plan. Now it is important that you learn about how the shop, construction site, company, or organization works; learn how you are expected to perform, the tasks specific to the workplace; get to know your co-workers; learn the internal processes, such as how to complete administrative forms, weekly, monthly, annual reporting requirements, or simply where are all the tools kept.
Having a job mentor to guide you can help ensure you succeed in your new workplace.
(This service depends on the availability of mentor resources or personnel at the work site or job location)
From time to time you may need some assistance finding a job that suits your skills and abilities. NEST is connected to many employers through agreements and networking with Nisg̱a’a and non-Nisg̱a’a businesses locally and regionally.
Working with you, NEST can ensure that your resume is viewed by the employers that are looking for your skills and abilities. Visit the Job Board to begin your job search.
To be successful, job matching requires that the client keep their resume up to date, accurate, and well organized. For information about assistance with updating your resume, click here (link this to Resume Writing).
NEST can offer you access to job supports in many different ways during your journey to employment. NEST can also provide you with continuous job support even after you have found meaningful employment.
NEST can offer supports such as child care, assistance with personal protective equipment, and required workplace training.
To find out more information on what kind of job supports NEST can help you with, contact our offices.
NEST facilitates access to a variety of training or skills upgrading programs linked to identifiable employment opportunities.
Once we understand that there is a real demand for a specific type of labour, NEST is able to host group or cohort training to connect Nisg̱a’a citizens with the opportunity.
Some examples of Group training include but are not limited to:
- Construction Safety Officer,
- Basic Security,
- Chain Saw Safety,
- Building Service Worker, and
- Emergency Medical Responder.
These types of training are hosted in consultation with a variety of stakeholders depending on the specific program required.
For group training within your organization please see Workplace training.
From time to time, an employer may require two or more employees to acquire or upgrade training and skills as a result of changing requirements at the work site.
If an employee does not complete the required training, they may risk being laid-off, reassigned or even have their employment terminated. After review and assessment, NEST can design or coordinate appropriate training to fill identified skills gaps and ensure Nisg̱a’a citizens retain employment.
Workplace training applications are considered and assessed based on the need to retain existing employment.
To request workplace training please send an e-mail to with “Workplace Training Request” in the subject line. Please include your contact information, estimated number of participants, and deadline for the required training in the body of your e-mail.
Bootcamps offer on the job training, certificates and life skills training that can lead to employment.
Bladerunners is an employment and skills training program that helps youth take control of their futures so they can find meaningful employment.
Career and College Prep (CCP) allows participants to complete adult dogwood (equivalent to a Grade 12 high school diploma), prepare for future career opportunities, and retake courses in order to improve upon their grades. This program helps adult learners complete prerequisites in order for them to enter many post-secondary programs.
Email and request an application form today.